An Update (and overview of the last year-and-change)
Fall 2022-Fall 2023 was not a great time for blog updates, I guess! As we went back to basically full-time programming at the church, my bandwidth for doing anything with the documentation of changes in my house went entirely out the window. I have made a lot of changes, mostly cosmetic, in the last year. A relatively quick overview (some of which will eventually get longer posts!): In the front: I did some pretty intense pruning, especially of the lilac closest to the front door. I have three lilacs in my front, all of which were wildly overgrown. Just after bloom in spring of 2022, I cut one of them to 8 inches, and it came back really well - I even had flowers in spring of 2023! Then after the lilac bloom this spring, I took the next lilac down to 8-ish inches. It hasn't come back quite as strong (possibly I should have been better about watering it!) but it is definitely coming back - I think I'll have flowers in 2025, not 2024. I cleaned up the blue spruce and the apache p...