One Month (and a bit) In. . .

Happy 2020 is almost over!

Every year maybe since we graduated from high school, my closest group of friends from high school has had a standing Christmas Eve brunch. For the last few years, we've been down to three from the original five: R's family wasn't celebrating the holidays in MN and E, as the only partnered one, splits holidays and Christmas Eve often goes to her partner's family. Last year, we were back up to four, but I announced that it would likely be my last brunch. As a pastor, Christmas Eve is one of my high-holies. I have to be at the church and I definitely can't travel to MN for a brunch, however much I might want to. This year, one of covid's few silver linings is that I will get to attend our brunch virtually! Scattered across the contiguous time zones (mountain time's got the most representation, if you can believe it!), we'll all gather and maybe eat brunch but mostly catch up. And catching up means I'll probably be giving a video tour of my place to this group of women who I love very dearly. Which means: projects! (and cleaning. and organizing!)

Here's a non-comprehensive list of what I am going to try to get done in the next week (in addition to: preparing and recording three worship services - you know, my work!?)

  • paint the west and north facing pantry walls and install the hooks
  • finish priming the kitchen
  • paint kitchen ceiling
  • re-set the furniture in the guest room
  • organize guest room
  • clean the bathroom (obvi more for me than my friends on video!)
  • clean and organize the kitchen
  • art up on walls
  • fix the kitchen table
  • fix the dishwasher drain line issue

My priorities are the wall painting projects,  the guest room project, and the dishwasher drain line issue. Okay, and cleaning the bathroom. 

Kitchen organizing and cleaning just tends to happen as I do dishes. And while I would love to get to the kitchen table, I'm not holding my breath on it - it's a pretty big job, and includes wood glue needing to dry! And y'all know how much I love painting ceilings, so we'll see on that one for sure. 

So I guess it's time to get to work!


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